Tools I use: Woodworking T-shirts

No, you can’t cut a single piece of wood with them.  You can’t route an edge with them. You can’t cut joinery with them.

You could use them to apply a finish, but that will be at the end of their lives.

Some of my favorite ‘tools’ in the shop are the many woodworking t-shirts that I wear as I work – and out in public. Some are funny, some are wacky, but they all reflect my love of woodworking.  This isn’t all of the woodworking shirts I own, but these are the ones that I wanted to feature – because a bunch of them came from other woodworkers. I just wanted to show them a little bit of love.

I want to apologize to you in advance, but if you click on the image above, you can get a closer look at the shirts – and my mug.

Clockwise from top center:

The woodworker’s jackpot from Andy Chidwick. Maple, cherry and walnut, it’s a big time payout as far as I’m concerned.  Andy also offers a number of other designs for sale at his site as well.

The Wood Whisperer by Marc Spagnuolo. What else needs to be said? Marc is da man, and this is da shirt of da site!

American Craftsman Workshop hat by Todd Clippinger. The chapeau is from Todd Clippinger, AKA Todd in Montana. Todd builds some sweet projects in the cold north…  The shirt I’m wearing came from Cafe Press, the woodworking collection. It reads “Measure Twice. Cut Once. Fill Gaps.”

Stop Looking.  This was the first woodworking shirt I had gotten from a fellow woodworker. Gail O’Rourke printed these up – the front reads “Stop Looking,” and the back reads, “You found your new cabinetmaker!” Very clever, but I’m not sure she sells ’em anymore…

Upper Cut Woodworks by Matt Gradwohl. The big fella will knock you out with his woodworking skills… Matt’s also about as funny as they come.  Shirt looks sweet!

What happens in the shop stays in the shop. Another Cafe Press shirt… And it just says it all…

I Roll with Roubo by Jonathan Szczepanski. I think we may have a pretty decent idea about Jonathan’s preference for bench designs…

The Penultimate Workshop by Dyami Plotke. Dyami’s design tells the tale well – the shop he’s in is a work in progress and probably will never be done. But, his shirts are very sweet!

And, in the middle, it’s time to Show me the Monkey! I still have a few shirts from my blog… it may be time for a reprint soon…

The one thing I can say about my shirt collection is that I hope it will continue to grow. As I meet more woodworkers, I look forward to showing the colors and promoting the work of others.

7 thoughts on “Tools I use: Woodworking T-shirts”

  1. Tom,
    What a very cool shirt collections you have, my friend. Keep givin’ them good use. I’d hope that you wear them all to rags some day. Applying finish would make for a good retirement for them.


  2. HA! Those are some awesome shirts, Tom! I love em! The only one I currently have is one that says…”I love WOOD”, which is strictly reserved for the workshop for obvious reasons. 😉 Speaking of which, I never received ‘my’ Shop Monkey shirt! :p

  3. Well if woodworking doesn’t work out, you always have modeling. Anyway, nice collection. I think I may have to get a monkey shirt.

  4. haha, well it takes a bit of a sense of humor to be a woodworker that is for sure, otherwise you would probably go insane. Love the shirts 🙂

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