Quick Poll

I love Cracker Jacks. You know, that sticky popcorn and peanut concoction that you can eat as a snack during a movie or at a ballgame.  No doubt you’ve heard the lyrics:

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack…

They taste great, but the best part is that you get a toy surprise inside – a pleasant little something extra you didn’t expect.

In your shop, no doubt there’s a tool that was like that proverbial box of Cracker Jacks – one that offers you a whole lot more than you thought you were going to get.  Maybe it is the mind-numbing array of operations you can perform with a router or the ability to cut joinery as well as other options on your table saw.

This week, what is the most effective multitasker in your shop?

[poll id=”154″]

7 thoughts on “Quick Poll”

  1. I think I have to go with router too just because there are so darn many things you can do with it.
    I’d be lost in my shop with out mine.
    (3 or 4 and they all get used.)
    Thanks Tom.

  2. My shopsmith does most every thing but I only use it for a lathe, Disk sander, Drill, buffer, and dish washer. love that machine

  3. I had to vote for my table saw. Not so much for the saw its self but, with different blades and and jigs I have, I go to it every time I work on a project. I guess router would be number two with all the various bits and different things I do with them both in and out of the table.


  4. I chose something else. Above all my mind is my most valuable tool in the shop. it designs the projects, guides my hands and it derives my safety from harm. It is easy to maintain any of the tools as the most important but the mind is by far more powerful in maintaining them all. each tool simply facilitates what the mind can conceive.

  5. While not strictly a woodworking tool I have a vertical mill. It is very versatile, and I’ve been known to chuck a piece of wood on it every now and again. When I do the results are impressively accurate too.

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