All posts by Tom

I'm the guy who writes the blog...

Ho Ho Holy Smokes!

Wow, can you believe that we are now in the Last Minute Elf week?  Where has the year gone so far?

Now that we are just 17 days away from Christmas, 18 days from the start of Kwanzaa and we are in Hanukkah, it’s time to come up with our first entry and winner in the Last Minute Elf contest.

candle stand

Dan Zehner submitted this first project, which is both clever and green. If you have access to an old barrel – whiskey, wine, water – whatever – you have the material you need to build this graceful candle stand.

Dan said that this is easy to build with just two tools – a drill press to create the bases for the candles, and a sander to round over the edges of the staves so there’s no chance of splinters. Pretty clever!

Since Dan’s project will keep fingers safe from fingers, how about keeping his fingers safe from saw blades and router bits?  Dan, congratulations!  You are going to receive the MicroJig prize pack!

Oh, and while you have the option to finish the piece or not, you might want to have the ability to choose a finish that will work on a very tight timeframe. That’s why Wood Magazine published this Countdown to Christmas Finishes article a few years back. Believe me, you will enjoy it!

NOW it’s time!

No, it wasn’t time when the kids went back to school. Nor was it the time when the carved pumpkins were on the porch. It wasn’t even time when the turkeys lay in the brine, or after those bronzed beauties were pulled from the fryers, ovens or smokers for Thanksgiving. 

2015 Turkeys

Wow, that was impressive.

No, NOW it’s the time for the holiday season to begin in earnest. Which means after a turkey sandwich or two, I had to start stringing up a few sets of lights.

winter wonderland

Oh, and I had to start a little bit of shopping. Now, I was not about to start doing any of the Black Friday madness which took place early the morning after the feast, but I do have to say that the home improvement centers are definitely stepping up their game when it comes to impressing woodworkers.

Formerly the home of just the avid DIY woodworkers, home centers are stepping up their offerings considerably. Take for example that Lowe’s is now carrying many of the Kreg and Bora lines of tools, especially their Portamate Wood Rack – definitely a specialized tool to the woodworking community.

Lumber rack

Add on the folks over at Home Depot carrying a wide array of power tools and high end Bessey Clamps, and if you are looking to drop a few hints to your loved ones, or seeking to buy a woodworking gift for a friend, you might want to consider there.

At more specialized woodworking stores, you can definitely find whatever you seek. From the major 220 volt cabinet saws to paring chisels that can nick off a whisker at a time, there’s a tool for everyone. Here’s a hint if you are looking to buy for someone or make some suggestions – try to think of a particular aspect of your shop work you want to focus on. For instance, we so often overlook safety in our urge to get the shiny tools. Why not spring for something like a MicroJig Grrr-ripper push block?


And, we all know that today is Cyber Monday, when we tell our bosses to take a hike and we get a ton of shopping done at our desks.


Just kidding. With wi-fi and 4G speeds so darned fast these days, there’s no need to soak up the company’s bandwidth anymore.  The deals you can find online are totally impressive, and you know there are a few places I would recommend you check out for some awesome deals (ahem, Infinity Tools and Bell Forest Products).

Also remember that most online places have wish list features, so be sure to ask your friends for their lists – and put your own items up there – just in case you want to make shopping a little easier for friends and family.

Oh, and if you want a chance to get some awesome goodies for yourself, Iggy and I are still looking for some Last Minute Elf ideas for our ongoing contest.

Just be sure to send an e-mail to with a photo of a holiday gift you have built. The idea is something that doesn’t take a lot of time or material, but will make for one happy recipient on the big day.

In the meantime, we’ll post the best ideas on the site the week of December 7 – 11, and we’ll name the winners by random draw or by my hairy woodworking friend throwing banana peels at random entries.

Feeling Thankful

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the United States, and I would be remiss if I didn’t go ahead and continue my tradition of offering up what I am most thankful for. To think, I have been keeping this blog up and running now for more than eight years …

Me and Rhonda

First, I’m thankful for my wife, Rhonda. She’s been a rock for me this year (as she always has), encouraging me all the way when it comes to building in the shop and inspiring me when I hit those creative impasses.

Mmmm, breakfast

I’m thankful for my two sons. I can’t believe those little babies I brought home from the hospital – what seems like only a few years ago – are now both in high school, with Dominic ready to graduate this coming spring.  It’s just about impossible to think about how much they are accomplishing without my eyes starting to leak a little bit.

This is bad

I am thankful that my Trained Shop Monkey Iggy has been hard at work, keeping his skills polished all these years.  It hasn’t been easy for him, but he still manages to make magic in the shop even though I have been his greatest impediment. 

I am thankful that my health has been good this year. It has been a struggle at times, but hey, I’m still up and at ’em.

I am thankful for my friends and family. It still gives me the biggest thrill to hear from someone I know and care about, “I read that on your blog.”  Thanks for being my support throughout the years and for tolerating the crazy banter about what’s on the bench. And, a special shout out to my Mom and Mother-in-law. Yes, I know you both read, but you don’t comment… that’s OK, those clicks count!

And, I am also thankful that even though I lost my Father-in-law this year, I was able to be there for my wife’s family during their trying time, and that I was able to serve as one of his pall bearers. He meant a lot to us, and I felt as if I was paying him the greatest respect by being there for him. We will miss his physical presence at the table tomorrow, but we will feel him with us for sure.

I am thankful I was able to attend the Woodworking in America conference this past October in Kansas City. Seeing all of my woodworking friends again truly inspires me to get off my butt and out into the shop. Plus, I mean, come on, it was in Kansas City – home to some serious barbecue!

I am thankful that Get Woodworking Week this past February went swimmingly. There’s nothing quite like watching the excitement build in the woodworking community about getting new folks into the shop, and I’m glad I could play some small role in inspiring at least a few woodworkers to get out there and try their hand at the effort.

I am thankful that I was able to land my new job over in downtown Tampa. While my commute has slowed my prodigious posting schedule a bit, the bus ride to and from the office gives me plenty of time to catch up on woodworking podcasts as I let someone else wrangle with traffic.

I am thankful that I was able to get back to the St. Petersburg Woodcrafters Guild to give a quick presentation on sharpening. Oh, how I love to get in front of a large group and talk woodworking. One day, I will retire and go on the speaking circuit in elementary and middle schools to introduce kids to the wonderful world of woodworking.

I am thankful that I was able to complete the summer of coffee tables, our new bed and my niece Katie’s hope chest. There’s nothing quite like seeing the face of a happy customer at the end of a project, and believe me, they sure were happy!

Recording an MWA podcast

I am thankful that the  Modern Woodworkers Association podcast continues to chug along, and that some folks actually still listen to it!  I really do want to thank my partner in crime Dyami Plotke and all of our listeners for tolerating my hijinx…You guys rock.

I am thankful for my sponsors – MicroJig ProductsBell Forest Products, Infinity Cutting Tools, Bora Tools and Tormek. Some days, I really do have to pinch myself – I can’t believe that you guys are still supporting me so readily!


I am thankful that I got a chance to see so much of the country this year. From the snow-peaked Rockies last January to the Sonoran Desert in July (ugh) to (Viva) Las Vegas earlier this month, it has been a year of travel for sure.

And, on my tour to the Southwest, I am thankful to have seen Marc Spagnuolo’s shop in person and catch up with my old friend.

And, most importantly, I want to take a moment to thank each of you for reading Tom’s Workbench. Who would have known eight years ago that this little shop distraction would have become what it is today – a blog where people actually read the content?  Thanks for all of your support.

Tomorrow, as I lift my glass to make the toast, I want you to know I’ll be making a special one for each of you…

Get to Elfin’!

Ready? Set? BUILD!

The holiday season is upon us like a full-court press, and if you are building, now’s the time to get busy. Of course, at Tom’s Workbench, we want to help make building those gifts easier for you – and those of us who will be waiting until the VERY LAST MINUTE to start building.

We like to call it the Last Minute Elf.

Again, what we are hoping that you will do is share with us some of your most awesome last-minute gift build ideas. We will mention everyone, and my trained Shop Monkey and I will be selecting the best of the best for some fabulous prizes. How fabulous?

Glad you asked!


How about package of a GRR-RIPPER 3D Push block, two GRR-RIP blocks and two Zero-Play guide bar systems from our friends at MicroJig? Nothing makes for a better holiday than accurate work – and safe fingers! (And, no, you won’t get the ones that Iggy has worked with…)


Or, maybe an Earlex Spray Station HV2901 is more your speed.  If you ever wanted to get into the wonderful world of spray finishes – and the efficiency of an HVLP system – this may be just what the doctor ordered, provided courtesy of our friends at Wagner/Earlex.

saw plate

Looking for table-saw accuracy from a circular saw (if you ever work with sheet goods, your back will thank you!)?  Our friends from Bora Tools are offering up their WTX 50 inch saw guide, the 50 inch extension (that’s 100 inches of cutting length!) and their Bora Saw Plate. One heck of a prize.


And, if you are cutting on that table saw, you are going to want a super-premium blade to make sweet cuts. That’s why Infinity Cutting Tools is offering one of their Super General Thin Kerf 10″ saw blades. They are a very cool blue, easy on the ears and leave a beautiful cut line.

My fellow shop simian and I are working to bring in a few more sponsors to improve the prize kitty, so stay tuned!

How do you get in on this action?  Easy. Just be sure to send an e-mail to with a photo of a holiday gift you have built. The idea is something that doesn’t take a lot of time or material, but will make for one happy recipient on the big day.

In the meantime, we’ll post the best ideas on the site the week of December 7 – 11, and we’ll name the winners by random draw or by my hairy woodworking friend throwing banana peels at random entries.

Now, get out there in the shop and get to Elfin’!

Dam, that’s impressive

I was traveling again this past weekend to instruct another great group of public information students. The destination? Las Vegas, baby!


Sure, we had to teach for a few days, and there was the allure of the many casinos, restaurants and other night spots, but the highlight of my visit had to have been the incredible Hoover Dam.


I had never been so close to something that impressive in my life, and I have stood next to Matt Vanderlist!  

The architecture and embellishment that went into structure were just incredible, but the dizzying height from the top of the dam to the bottom of the gorge was impressive. I just had to snap this selfie.


Dam. That’s high.

Another thing I discovered was just how much wood was involved in the building of the Dam thing.


You see, the dam wasn’t poured in one piece. That would have been an insane amount of concrete to pour all in one shot, and there would be no way to guarantee the aggregate wouldn’t just sink to the bottom. So, the concrete had to be poured in forms, each measuring 50 feet square and five feet high.

To build those forms, it took an incredible amount of wood and steel. You can still see the grain pattern of the wooden forms in some of the tunnels leading to the power generating plant far below the top of the structure.


Also, a lot of black powder and dynamite had to be brought in to prepare the site for the concrete. This panel from one of the powder boxes shows the box joint fingers that held the corners firmly in place for transportation. Makes you wonder how hard it was to pop that box open at the site.

Add to this the scaffolding, wood for huts and other structures, and you get an idea that a tremendous amount of lumber was required to make this all happen.

Pretty darned impressive.

In the buff

This past week in Florida has been intense. I mean, the temperatures on November 4 were more like what we would expect on July 4… sunny with highs in the low 90s and overnight lows in the upper 70s.

Record highsIt has almost been enough to make me want to seek out a pool, drink an ice-cold beer or completely retreat into my air-conditioned home to seek solace.

The other problem with warm weather like this, especially in Florida, is that it is very humid. This just means that no matter how lightly you dress, there is really no way to ever get totally cool.

The late, great Chris Farley

No, I’m not about to go in the altogether on this blog. If I did, I would probably most resemble the late, great Chris Farley.

The real issue is that this humidity has a negative effect on my tools. You know what it’s called – rust.

The rust issue is so feared that I actually had a woodworker moving from a northern climate to Florida tell me he was considering giving up the craft, what with the constant maintenance and upkeep he was going to have to invest in keeping his tools rust free.

rusty_ts2My answer to him?  Hogwash. I know plenty of woodworkers here in the Sunshine State, and all of us have to work with the same issues of humidity in our shops. Add woodworkers from other areas of the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, the northern Pacific coast with its seeming ever-present fog, and it’s safe to say that rust can be handled.

My 3612And, surprisingly, it doesn’t take a fully air-conditioned shop to do the deed. I was able to keep my cast-iron topped Ridgid table saw in my shop for more than a decade with minimal rust issues.

Buff it out

How’d I do it? It’s not as difficult as you would imagine. The simple ingredient is wax. I typically use some type of furniture paste wax for the deed. Johnson’s is cheap and cheerful, but when I really want to break out the top shelf stuff, it’s hard to beat the Bora Protectol wax.

When do I do it? Well, typically after I finish a project and get to cleaning and sharpening to get the tools ready for the next project, I will rub a coat on, let it sit about five minutes, than buff it off.

That simple.

Not only does it keep rust at bay, it also allows the wood to slide easily across the surface, making cutting a whole lot easier. And, even though the rip fence is aluminum, I still buff on a coat just for that purpose.

With just a few minutes of work between projects, the rust is busted, and the only thing I have to worry about is finding parking at the beach.

And, I promise I will be wearing a proper bathing suit.

There are those who call me…

One of my favorite movies of all time is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. And, one of my favorite scenes from the movie was when the brave knights on their quest came across the mighty Enchanter.

Who was he?

Well, there were those who called him … Tim. Funny stuff.

It got me thinking of those more serious movies made in the same genre. You know what I’m talking about, the ones where it takes a few moments for the main character’s name to be announced. Like in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy …  Aragorn, son of Arathorn known as Estel, the Strider, became king Ellesar, also known as Telcontar.


What a mouthful.

Why bring this up? Well, when it comes to making table saw jigs, you can create them from one of two prestigious lineages. You can get Grove Gliders or Fence Riders.


Groove gliders are the types which use the miter gauge groove to guide their movement. Some are simply screwed to the miter gauge itself, and can be as simple as a board attached to serve as a crosscut guide. Others, well, they can be elaborate  constructions which allow you to cut different kinds of joinery, miters, coves … the works.


These jigs really rely on snug, slop free fits in the miter slots to ensure that there is absolutely no play in the jig setup. This can be accomplished using wood or UHMW plastic, or a runner system like MicroJig’s ZeroPlay miter bar guides.

Fence Riders use the rip fence to control the jig. These babies either have some component that straddles the fence, or they have an edge which rides against the fence.


These fence straddlers should be constructed with carefully to allow a snug fit over the fence, yet not bind. It’s a delicate balance, which can usually be helped with some paste wax on the fence and the inside of the jig. It’s also important to allow for some type of clamping, a handle and some way to ensure the face of the jig stays perpendicular to the table saw’s surface.


Another very familiar Fence Rider are tapering jigs like MicroJig’s Microdial jig. Again, great care needs to be exercised to ensure that there is a safe way to hold and push the jig and material by the blade. The last thing you want to do is get hurt using one of these.

Given their usefulness in the shop, I have a feeling like you might want to invite both jigs to a spot at your round table.