Tomorrow here in the United States is Thanksgiving, and as in past years, I want to take a few minutes to give you a list of things I am thankful for. After all, I lead a pretty charmed life, and now is as good a time as any to spread some thanks around!
I am thankful for my wife Rhonda and the 21 years of marriage we celebrated this year. It’s been a crazy year of navigating life’s lunacy, but together, I think we hit some new heights.
I am thankful for my two wacky sons. They got their mom’s looks, but they got their dad’s zany sense of humor. Fortunately, they are both doing well in school, and every day with those two mooks is an adventure.Plus, we had a few new adventures in the shop this year with Steven.
I am thankful that my trained shop monkey Iggy hasn’t thrown me out into the street and changed the locks to the shop, although, I think he’s getting close to doing that, but he has to find the keys first… clever monkey…
I am thankful for my health. This year threw me a for a few loops, but I’m back on my feet, ready to get back to work in the shop!
I am thankful that I was able to attend the Woodworking Show in Tampa back in March and the Woodworking in America show in Winston – Salem, North Carolina this past September. The folks I meet at these events are just so darned talented and welcoming. It’s great to be a woodworker, even if some folks forget to measure twice and cut once. I had no idea they take that stuff so seriously there…
I am thankful for my friends and family. It still gives me the biggest thrill to hear from someone I know and care about, “I read that on your blog.” Thanks for being my support throughout the years and for tolerating the crazy banter about what’s on the bench. And, a special shout out to my Mom and Mother-in-law. Yes, I know you both read, but you don’t comment… that’s OK, those clicks count!
I am thankful that I was able to build a special project for my coworker and mentor Len Ciecieznski this past April on the occasion of his retirement. We dedicated the studio to him, and he saw the plaque I had built him before he passed. Of all of the projects I have built, that is the one that will live with me forever.
I am thankful that we had an amazingly successful Get Woodworking Week this past February. If we can inspire new woodworkers to get into the shop, then our job is done! Oh, mark your calendars for the week of February 1 – 7 for the 2015 edition of Get Woodworking Week.
I am also thankful that there has been tremendous support for the Last Minute Elf project, which saw its first year last December! This year, it’s going to be the domain of the Modern Woodworkers Association, so get thyself there to sign up and win some great prizes!
I am thankful that my second year as Vice President of the St. Petersburg Woodrafters Guild went well, and I look forward to turning those duties to someone new this coming week.
Hey, I’m happy I got to see The Boss this year. The last time I saw Bruce Springsteen, I was a little kid in 1985 on the floor of Giant’s Stadium. He hasn’t lost a step in those intervening 29 years. I hope to be cranking out some good work 29 years from now!
I am thankful that I took the challenge to build a trestle table for my office from a common 2 x 12 southern yellow pine board. The wood for that was just so awesome to work with, and I needed the space to spread out and get work done!
I am thankful for my sponsors – MicroJig Products, Bell Forest Products, Infinity Cutting Tools, Bora Tools, Tormek and Laguna. Some days, I really do have to pinch myself – I can’t believe that you guys are still supporting me so readily!
I am thankful that our hurricane season this year was quiet, with minimal impact for my friends and relatives here in the United States. Believe me, it’s such a load off my mind knowing that my friends and family aren’t in harm’s way from hurricanes for a while…
I am thankful that the brain trust at the Modern Woodworkers Association hasn’t wised up yet and given me the boot! OK, just kidding.. but, I really do want to thank Dyami Plotke and Chris Adkins for tolerating my hijinx…You guys rock. Oh, and thank you, Gorilla Glue Company for coming on board as a sponsor.
I am thankful that there are so many talented woodworkers out there taking the leap and contributing to the online woodworking experience. Each blog post, each video, each podcast is an opportunity for someone to showcase their skill and enthusiasm for the craft we love so dearly. I cannot tell you how great it is to be in the company of people I admire and want to emulate. Thank you for what you do for the community.
And, most importantly, I want to take a moment to thank each of you for reading Tom’s Workbench. Who would have known seven years ago that this little shop distraction would have become what it is today – a blog where people actually read the content? Thanks for all of your support.
Tomorrow, as I lift my glass to make the toast, I want you to know I’ll be making a special one for each of you…
Oh, and if you find yourself in turkey crisis tomorrow, take a page out of Gene Kranz’s Thanksgiving playbook…
Remember, take out is not an option…
Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family, and thank you for all you do for the woodworking community.