He’s short. He’s furry. And, he’s a fairly decent writer.
For all of you Wood Magazine subscribers (and those who may like to get the occasional copy at the news stand), the Shop Monkey returns!
Be sure to check out page 20 of the May 2010 edition. There, I have written an article about woodworking plans – and those who take those plans and resell them at rock-bottom prices for their own benefit. While it may seem like a good deal, many of these plans feature poor quality scans of projects that are nearly impossible to read and offer limited step-by-step instructions for the woodworker to follow. Also, by taking these projects from commercial sites, they offer a strong disincentive for woodworkers to design and seek to publish new and exciting furniture designs.
If you want to read even more Shop Monkey input, why not check out my blog over at the newly-revamped Wood Magazine forum website? The new forum software makes it easier than ever to navigate the content and read the input from your favorite bloggers.
Yes, you can even read my content if you have nothing better to do…
The current schedule for the Shop Monkey right now is that the columns will appear in every other edition (the next one is scheduled to appear in the spring).
Now, no more monkey business… back into the shop!
I got my copy in the mail on Monday. Enjoyed your article, now I need to go back and read the rest of the magazine.
Keep em comin’
COOL………….not sure I know the depth of this character yet, I’ll make sure to check out page 20 when I get my copy.