I woke up this morning and realized… WOW…. it’s DECEMBER… which can only mean two things.
First, I have to flip the page on my calendar.
Second – and most importantly – it’s day one of the Last Minute Elf week!
That’s right, all of you elves out there. It’s time to get off your duffs and start building for the special people in your lives. After basically completing the new work bench yesterday (Iggy was a huge help), we’re getting the rest of the shop ready for the holiday season!
And, I think it’s a good time to award our first prize for a Last Minute Elf project. John Gulich was definitely thinking green when he came up with this cool doll bunk bed plan. Click here to get the plans and some more photos of this interesting project made of pallet wood. Hey, John, I hope you enjoy the set of Two Cherries Chisels, courtesy of Wood Magazine! Today, we are going to ease into the week. Let’s start off with a quick poll… with the holiday shipping deadlines coming up in a few weeks (less, if you are shipping overseas), how are those projects going?