Some are funny. Others focus on traditional methods of work from the 18th century. Still others focus on turning, veneering or marquetry.
Yes, woodworking blogs cover a tremendous number of topics, styles and techniques.
This week’s question was sparked by Chris Wong at Time Warp Toolworks – just how many blogs do you follow on a regular basis? Not the blogs you look at once every blue moon – blogs you follow at least once a week. (I wonder if Tom’s Workbench is part of your list? I can only hope!
I follow more than 20 woodworking blogs via rss. Capturing them all in google reader makes follow blogs en masse quite easy and I can’t get enough of what people want to share.
I follow about 3 via RSS, however yours is the only one that actually gets read regularily as there are very few woodworking blogs out there that make regular posts(eg: more than 1-2/month).
Too many. That’s why I don’t get a lot done….lol