Parents are busy trying to figure how to keep their little ones occupied for summer break. Some may keep their kids home, allowing them a lot of free play time. But many others will be sending their kids to camps. Many of those kids will go to bible camps, dance camps, sports camps, adventure camps or some other summer adventure. But, wouldn’t it be cool to send your kids off to – construction camp?
That’s just what some lucky kids in Brooklyn will be doing this summer at Construction Kids. This woodworking school is set up to let budding builders get some hands-on experience with saws, drills and other important woodworking tools as they build projects of appropriate difficulty for their age. Not only can kids participate in summer camps, they can also take woodworking classes throughout the year and even have construction birthday parties. Where were these things when I was growing up?
The site links to the class schedule, some of the cutest pictures you have ever seen and news coverage of the operation.