The top 10 Influential Woodworkers: Two years later
A few years ago, Tool did a survey of who are the greatest influences on woodworkers. Earlier this year, I did a survey of my own, and listed the results in my Finding Those Roots post.
Tool Crib’s blog manager Garrett French took those results and did a little analysis… and the results are kind of surprising.
What Garrett did was look at the top ten responses from his survey back in 2007 and my recent survey and compare the results. There were a significant number of differences between the two lists, and the findings may surprise you. It’s worth a read.
Now, who will do the next survey in 2011, and what will they find?
In the #8 slot, who is this Marc Spagnosomethin’ they speak of? ;o)
Not sure… he’s some woodworking Italian guy originally from New Jersey…
Hey, wait a minute…. that describes me!