If you have ever plunked down good hard-earned money to buy a new tool, I’m sure you wanted to make the right purchase. Does the tool work as advertised? Can it be set accurately? Is it a good value? Sure, you can read the product literature, but, if you want some advice, where do you turn before you cough up some serious cash?
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Have you ever done a poll of favorite woodworking forums – might be interesting. Just a thought
Nice blog
Oooh! Now, there’s a good question for an upcoming poll….
Thanks for the idea, and the compliment as well Joe.
I said other here because I gather information for major tool buys from several sources. Web sites like yours and the WWA, books, shops like Woodcraft and Rocklers, wood working friends, magazines and especially the special magazines that run head to head comparisons of several of the same machines.
Not bragging, but I’ve been doing woodworking since the middle of the last century and I rely on my sense and experience to help me determine the best choice. Careful examination of the tool and good judgment have always worked for me.
I agree with comments from Frank Howell, August 25th, 2008 and it still works in 2011
“I said other here because I gather information for major tool buys from several sources. Web sites like yours and the WWA, books, shops like Woodcraft and Rocklers, wood working friends, magazines and especially the special magazines that run head to head comparisons of several of the same machines.”
I also get customer feed back from my part-time job in Tools Dept. at the local Lowe’s, Michigan City, IN. Working there in “Tools” is like getting paid for a hobby:)