Trappist Caskets
They say in life that only two things are certain – death and taxes.
And, when the time comes to shuffle off this mortal coil, what would be a more fitting tribute to a woodworker than to be laid to rest in a hand-built wooden casket?
The monks at the New Melleray Abbey in Poesta, Iowa have set their hands – and prayerful attention – to the crafting of these final resting places. Built from wood harvested from their carefully-managed forest, each casket is built with strict attention to detail in a spiritual atmosphere.
From the most basic, unadorned pine casket (the one that the monks lay their brethren to rest in) to more ornate offerings in oak and walnut with raised panels, there is a wide selection of items to choose from. Cremation urns and children’s caskets are also offered with prayerful respect.
As Cistercians, the order follows the ancient monastic Rule of St. Benedict. Consistent with that rule, their vocation is expressed in a life of contemplative prayer, community liturgy, and manual labor.
Even though death is not a pleasant topic, a visit to the site provides a peaceful view of the work these spiritually dedicated men perform.
I love the fact that they have a Notre Dame line. Insert football program joke here.
Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny, too… Especially given there are other Catholic universities out there….
Back in the late 18th century, it was common for an apprentice, upon completing his journeyman work, to stop and make a casket. His casket. This was to be used not only for its intended purpose, but also was to reside above his bench wherever he worked. This worked as a reminder of our common fate as well as his own mortality.
Imagine screwing up a dovetail and, in exasperation, looking up and catching sight of your future home. Puts it all back into perspective.