Something monumental this way comes

(No, there wasn’t a quick poll on my site yesterday. My family and I were returning from our family vacation, and had to drive nearly 1,000 miles in one day to get home. Interstate 95 is a cruel mistress for bloggers, so please accept my apologies. I hope today’s post makes up for things… I have a feeling it just might. )

The signing of the Magna Carta. The invention of the wheel. Dinosaurs walking the Earth.  Tom’s Workbench.

Maybe my humble site isn’t something on a historian’s radar screen, but I have been doing this for a while now. Ever since that fateful day back in August of 2007, I have been trying to put four posts out a week on the blog. Articles on Monday and Wednesday. The Link of the Week on Friday. Oh, and quick poll out on Sunday.

Once you add that up, you’ll discover that there are a lot of posts on the site. In fact, I have recently crossed the 950 post threshold. And – lemme see – four times four… carry the one… I think sometime in September or October of this year, I’ll be cruising up past the thousand post milestone.

Just pinch me!

With that in my future, Rhonda and I have been spending a lot of time talking about how we can make that memorable for us and for you.

I’ll tell ya what I’m thinking about. For the past five years, I have been doing feature articles about different aspects of woodworking. And, over those years, I have met some of the kindest, most generous folks who run websites, make tools and sell the supplies each of you uses in your shop.

What I have done is approached the folks I have spoken with in the past, and we’re going to be holding a little bit of a giveaway to commemorate the thousandth post. And, when I mean ‘little’ – it’s just a figure of speech. I have approached folks about seeking prizes as give aways for the past few weeks, and the stuff that folks have been offering has been impressive. How so? Check this out:

A 10 bf bird’s-eye maple project pack courtesy of Bell Forest Products

 A one-year membership for the Wood Whisperer Guild courtesy of Marc Spagnuolo

A PM2650 portable tool stand courtesy of Bora Tools

A Five woodworking plan combination pack courtesy of Ralph Bagnall

 A set of four Revo clamps and clamping blocks (Set KRK2440) courtesy of Bessey Tools

 A complete set of  Pocket chisels courtesy of FastCap Tools

A scratch stock kit courtesy of Hock Tools

 The winner’s choice of a K8 or K12 jig courtesy of Kehoe Jigs

A Zero Play guide bar and MJ Splitter Pro courtesy of MicroJig

There are a few prize packs for turners and flat builders being collected by the folks over at Wood Barter

A Veneering Essentials Combo courtesy of Veneer

Shannon Rogers, the Renaissance Woodworker, has stepped in to offer up some additional items for the big thousand post give away… Thanks, man!

A semester one Hand Tool School registration courtesy of Shannon.

A $50 gift card at Hardwood to Go, the company he works for.

And, we can’t forget that Chris Wong of Time Warp Tools is throwing in a set of his bench dogs as another prize. The winner gets their choice of a four pack of either three or five inch long dogs. Thanks, man!

Wood Magazine has offered a great prize: A DVD with the complete Wood Magazine collection with issues from number one through 209.  Folks, that’s more than 25 years of content!

And, I got word from the folks over at Funktionhouse Urban Lumber and Furnishings that they are going to throw in a large flat rate shipping box of blue mahoe. Just what is blue mahoe? Well, it’s pretty darned impressive looking wood from the Caribbean with a very striking color.

Legendary hand tool builder Scott Meek is offering up one of his hand-crafted plane adjustment mallets together with a $50 gift card for use on his site.

All of these items – and more – will be up for the drawing. And, no, they aren’t all going to one person, so there are plenty of chances for everyone to enter and win a sweet prize! As we get closer, I’ll be posting the complete list of items available.

Now, just how can you get your name into the hat for this?  Easy. Simply send me an e-mail at with the subject “Tom’s Thousand Post Entry.” In this e-mail, let me know what your favorite Tom’s Workbench moment was.  It could be an article that inspired an idea or made you stop and think about how you work in your shop. It could be a shop tip that you used… and actually worked!  It could be something that touched you emotionally or tickled your funny bone. I don’t care.

When we get those in (I’ll let you know the deadline once I figure out when the thousandth post is going to be placed), Rhonda and I will sort through the entries. Eventually, we will pass them along to Iggy the Trained Shop Monkey. Somewhere in his lair, he will throw banana peels at them to select the winners.

It will be a purely scientific endeavor. You can count on that.

Now, I must take my leave. After all, the faster I get to the thousandth post, the sooner you get your goodies!

(If you are reading and would like to throw something in to the prize kitty, be sure to drop me a line, and I’ll get you up on the site!)


27 thoughts on “Something monumental this way comes”

  1. That’s a lot of prizes !! Wow !!! … awsome job … It takes some serious dedication to do the posting you do and congrats on nearing 1000 posts. Can’t wait to seewhat you do for 1000

  2. And WOW from me, too. Your stamina in Blogging consistently has been Very impressive. Congrats on approaching your 1000th post! You’ve done the woodworking community a world of good!

  3. Boy O Boy, those are some mighty fine prizes !
    I think that is a testimony to the confidence and support you have from all those suppliers and venders who know you are a straight shooter and a guy every day woodworkers can relate to and learn from.
    You wouldn’t believe how much I’ve picked up from those almost 1,000 posts too !

    I’m going to get my email in, and keep my fingers crossed !

    Thanks Tom !

  4. With the 1,000 approaching, start thinking about the next 1,000 and keep up the good work we all enjoy.

  5. “Congratulation”, “congratulation”, and “CONGRATULATIONS. I am sure you never think that getting closed and surpass the 1,000 post was an easy task. “Congratulations again.”

  6. I just discovered you a week or so ago and find you to be entertaining and enthusiastic. I’m a beginner, love the tips, the links and very much appreciate the time you take to keep everyone motivated.

    thank you

  7. Tom- You are a funny dude. I’m enjoying the MWA podcasts, and your website. Don’t post comments ever, but hey, to enter a drawing, that will do it.

  8. NICE ONE!
    I just discovered your blog a couple weeks ago but I am enjoying it! Good on ya for putting in all that time!
    Keep the tips and info coming!
    Alexander,Red deer,Alberta,Canada

  9. What a service you have developed…Thank You so much and keep up the good work and site!

  10. It’s a milestone to be proud of, and a reflection of the value you provide to your readers.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to manufacture a couple dozen fake identities and write poignant emails from each one to maximize my chances of winning some of that sweet loot.

  11. Tampa Tom you have been doing this a while! I lost track of your efforts for a while and I’m glad I stumbled back into it!

  12. Keep up the great work, Tom! You’re doing a great job of keeping us entertained AND informed! BTW, Iggy’s going to throw “banana peels?” C’mon, Tom, we ALL know what monkeys like to throw, and it AIN’T “banana peels.” ;^)>

  13. You don’t need to enter me in the contest. Your blog is gift enough. The Quick Polls are my favorites. I often revisit them to see if they turned out differently than when I cast my vote. Like the Car Talk brothers weekly quiz on NPR, I don’t envy you having to come up with a new idea each week, but your well hasn’t run dry yet. Thanks for regularly adding some fun to this hobby.

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