Quick Poll

There are so many different kinds of woodworking out there. Cabinetry. Scroll sawing. Furniture making. And turning…

turning on a big proportionTurning… the spinning vortex that sucks woodworkers into it. I have heard many woodworkers say that they may just go out to the shop to futz around for a little while, and seven hours later, their family considers sending out a search-and-rescue team to look for them.

This week, tell us if you have ever turned a project, and what your level of interest is.

4 thoughts on “Quick Poll”

  1. Turning is a great way to churn something out in an hour or so. It’s great woodworker therapy 🙂

  2. Tom, I caught the turning bug for making spindles in my High School Woodworking class. I was a Junior and had to make 4 identical posts for a colonial corner shelf project. Mom still has it. It turned nice enough that I was asked to build one for another shop

  3. If you need a present in short order, there is no easier way to create something nice.
    (But I need LOTS of practice…) lol

  4. Turning is alot of fun, always challenging, and when you have access to alot of beautiful wood very VERY Addictive. I have been told by many wives and turners I am one of the worst of enablers of that addiction by giving away lots of wood. I’m in withdrawal waiting on a part to repair my lathe. 40-50 pieces to do for gifts this Christmas. Keep turning.

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