You like woodworking, right? If that’s the case, book a trip to Raleigh, North Carolina. Visit the North Carolina Museum of History. Go to the third floor, and get yourself to the Beyond the veneer: Thomas Day exhibit. Trust me, you will love it.
Day, a free person of color in North Carolina in the years before the American Civil War, created furniture in popular 19th-century styles — from the very “neat” and “plain” to the ornate Rococo Revival — and infused many of the styles with his exuberant motifs. There are more than 70 pieces in the nearly 6,000 square foot exhibit, including some of the pieces he built for the newly-formed University of North Carolina.
The exhibit also includes a mock up of Day’s workshop, complete with a full-sized Roubo you can caress lovingly… At least until the security folks shoo you away.
Oh, and admission to the exhibit – and the rest of the museum – is free, but, you might want to book that trip soon. The exhibit is slated to close in January of 2013.
Tom, is there a resource to find out about exhibits like this , I am forever searching and often come up empty handed; this also goes along with your poll question, is there a good list of must see woodworking destinations floating around?