Earlier this month, Marc Spagnuolo over at the Wood Whisperer site led the annual Woodworkers Safety Week effort, where woodworking bloggers around the web write up articles on shop safety. From the simple tips such as cleaning up your workbench all the way through the gruesome stories (and photos) of shop sessions gone wrong.
But, reader Jay Cox had an interesting question – just how long do these messages stay with you? Do you keep them top-of-mind throughout the year as you work, or are they forgotten shortly after you read them?
I’ve been taking more & more notice of safety.
Yesterday as I was in the shop working on an accent lamp I’m making, I caught myself doing some safety steps that in years past I may have let slide.
I’ve noticed that as I get older and my hand/eye coordination starts slipping, and the arthritis makes side-stepping things harder, that I consciously start slowing down to avoid doing something stupid.
I figure that I’ve had my fingers this long; I might as well keep them ! lol
I retired two years ago after being a Tool & Die maker for 30+ years. I’ve also been doing woodworking for 50+ years. I have numerous scars from my work and hobby, but I still have all of the body parts that I was issued to start with and intend to keep them. Safety is just common sense………..which at times isn’t very common.
“Think twice-cut once”