Joe Woodworker’s Do-It-Yourself Vacuum Veneer Press
I’m a big fan of Joe Gorleski at Joe Woodworker. The guy is like the MacGyver of veneering, giving the average Joe (pardon the pun) the know-how to build his or her own veneer press using common shop materials.
Joe links to a great primer on the process, his plan and a number of plans submitted by woodworkers who built their own systems. He also goes into great detail about the other materials you will need to get the job done, including breather mesh, vacuum bags and platens.
No desire to go the vacuum route? No sweat, Joe even links to other tried-and-true methods to get to veneer nirvana. A must read!
I’ve seen this set up before, and if I had decided to install a larger compressor, I would probably have gone this route. As it is, I’ve gone with the VacuPress System. I just ordered it last week and look forward to learning veneer pressing!!