Quick Poll

Hobbies are fun.  They take you away from the everyday world and give us a chance to stretch our creative wings after doing the nine-to-five grind.

But, ask many hobbyists, and they’ll tell you that they have several past times… in the kitchen… in the garden… in the music studio… on the open water… in the garage… and on and on.

This week, tell us where woodworking falls on your list of hobbies.  Is it your one-and-only love, or do you spread time between several avocations?

[poll id=”110″]

7 thoughts on “Quick Poll”

  1. i love wood working but this time a year my wife requires that the garden gets time
    i still love her

  2. Woodworking is my favorite, but I also enjoy working on a 1973 Volkswagen Superbeetle that I have restored.

  3. I truly love woodworking – and find no place better in the cold weather – but to be in my warm shop – trying to turn a beautiful piece of wood into something of beauty and value – then again – when spring rolls around and the Mother Nature starts turning her brown clad coverings to green and beautiful colors begin peeking into my view – I have to grab my camera and begin my journey into the mystical realm of photography.

  4. I retired and took up woodworking as a hobby and I love it!
    I enjoy being creative in the “art” sense by making scrollsaw vases and, in the “workmanship” sense by trying new ways of doing things in the construction part of building items.
    I still have to do yard work and sudoku and crossword puzzles also. Well, its a tough job but, someone has to do them!


  5. have always enjoyed woodworking , I am 88 now and still enjoy my shop.however most everything can be of interest from gardening to cooking.
    Life is a lot of fun and I learn something new every day.

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