Building a Box Joint Jig
The late Danny Proulx was an excellent writer and instructor of woodworking. His books such as Build your Own Kitchen Cabinets and Cabinet Doors and Drawers are outstanding resources for the home woodworker.
At his website, Danny also offered several free tips, and this one has easy-to-follow instructions on how to build and use a box joint jig. Built from a few scraps of plywood and solid stock, this jig can be built in minutes and allows you to cut crisp, decorative joints for drawers, boxes, chests and other woodworking projects without a large outlay of cash.
Very interesting. I really like the idea of cutting both ends at the same time. Having recently bought and used for the first time the Woodsmith box joint jig from Woodcraft if I have seen this first I’m would have tried it. I reviewed of the Woodsmith box joint jig on Lumberjocks -