Quick Poll

Building with a brad nailerNails have been an important part of woodworking for centuries.  Originally hand wrought one by one, they were so valuable that old structures needing to be demolished used to be burned to the ground and the ashes sifted thorough to recover every usable nail.

Today, factories spit out nails at a staggering rate.  And, rather than using hand-forged iron, today’s nail manufacturers use enormous coils of steel wire to make millions of these ubiquitous fasteners.

While brads, pins and nails do have a place in today’s workshop (attaching moldings and solid backs to casework), many woodworkers cringe at the idea of using these metallic fasteners in their casework.

This week, I want to know what your thoughts are on nails in case construction.  Now, exclude the nails or pins you would use to do things like attach molding to a project – I want to know if you use these fasteners to hold the actual casework together.

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3 thoughts on “Quick Poll”

  1. Tom,
    There are days I just can’t get enough pa-chueing in the workshop! When gluing my projects I always give it a bit of security with a brad or nail. After the glue dires I dig those little boggers out and fill in the small holes and finish the project; just like my friend Norm.
    Pa-chue on bro,

  2. Ya know, Wally, you really have to stop being such a pig about things. Remember the last time you were teasing me, and I pa-chued through my hand? It took Marc Spagnuolo and a claw hammer to save me…

  3. Hey Tom, you know you can’t blame that all on me.
    You were pa-chueing everything and it got out of “hand”!
    You told me you swore by pa-chue, you told me it was the ultimate fix-it…
    I didn’t really think the gun was loaded…
    Although I do have some difficulties in holding the nail gun, I have yet to shoot myself in the hoof.
    Now might be a good time to take a second and promote safe nailing in the workshop.
    Keep up the good work!

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